Friday, September 9, 2011

The Wonderful World of Disney Movies

Isn't the imagination a wonderful thing? Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney must have had imaginations second to none as they build this vast empire we know as Disney. The wonderful world of Disney Movies is accessible to young and old alike and each new movie or song that they do rekindles the child in all of us.

disney store

Growing up, I loved Disney. From Donald Duck to Mary Poppins, I spent hours watching and rewatching all the Disney Classics. In fact Disney is so popular that the organization rewrote a lot of the major fairy tales and.made them into animated movies. Did you know that the in the original Sleeping Beauty there were actually twelve good fairies, but in the Disney version there are only three? The original Cinderella story is also quite different to the Disney one, but everyone seems to know the Disney one best.


Two other stories that were changed a great deal by Disney when they were made into movies were Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. In fact the original story of The Little Mermaid has a very sad ending, but true to Disney tradition, everything has to have a happy ending.

The happy endings are perhaps what makes the wonderful world of Disney movies so endearing and timeless. Everybody loves a happy ending, or a feel good film to take our minds off of all of our daily worries. There is perhaps nothing better than settling down to watch a Disney classic for the umpteenth time to bring back those childhood memories. When Disney brings out a new release, people flock to see them, because they know that they will always come out feeling happier than when they went in.

Some adults I know tell me they never watch Disney anymore, as the endings are always so predictable and the stories are too family orientated, but I think in secret these people enjoy Disney just as much as everyone else, but just don't want to admit it.

The wonderful world of Disney movies is a world wide phenomenon and there is practically nobody that I know who hasn't enjoyed Disney offerings sometime in their lives. The latest offering the Princess and the Frog is another classic example of how the original story is rewritten. In the Disney version, the so called princess (who isn't really a princess) turns into a frog when she kisses him. In a decades time, guaranteed most children won't even remember the original version. That is the power that the Disney Empire has had on all of us.

For more on Disney, visit:

The Wonderful World of Disney Movies

Explore the Wonderful World of Disney at



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