Thursday, November 10, 2011

Strategic Planning - On One Page

Strategic planning is not a scary proposition. In fact, I'd argue, you actually do it more often than you think you do. David Allen, is his blockbuster book, "Getting Things Done," says humans are actually "planning machines."

Let's face it; we start planning the moment we wake up in the morning. We start planning our day, what we'll have for breakfast, what we'll wear to work, and so on. Planning is both a conscious and subconscious act. We plan on purpose, and we often find ourselves planning unconsciously.


So, because we're going to plan anyway, let's take a few minutes and look at a planning model that will work for any occasion or circumstance. What makes this model even better is that it can be accomplished on a single sheet of paper.

This particular model asks and answers five fundamental planning questions:

1. What do I want to accomplish?

2. Why do I want to do it?

3. How will I bring my plan to fruition?

4. What will I measure to gauge my progress?

5. What tasks will I need to complete to accomplish my goals?

What do I want to accomplish? This is your VISION for what, specifically, you want to accomplish. Notice I said "specifically." The clearer you can be in describing what you want to accomplish or achieve, the greater the chances you'll make it happen. Your mind functions best when it's very clear on what you intend to do.

Why do you want to do it? This is your MISSION. Written succinctly, it will provide the motivation and the inspiration you need to keep moving toward your vision. Your mission makes clear why you do what you do. It describes the grand purpose for your efforts or your enterprise. The mission statement for the Disney Corporation is simply: "To Make People Happy." Notice it doesn't describe a product or service, just a purpose for why they do what they do.

STRATEGIES describe how you'll go about fulfilling your vision. A strategy is a general plan of action. It simply states, in general terms, the steps you'll take to make your vision a reality. Strategies describe such activities as sales, marketing, and process improvement. Personal strategies might include health, exercise, nutrition, improved education. Strategies do not have to be measurable. Goals do.

GOALS ask: How much? By when? If my strategy is to sell more stuff this year than I did last year, then the sales goal should clarify how much more stuff you intend to sell and in what time frame. Goal: Sell 1,000 widgets by 12/31/11. If your strategy is to lose 12 pounds, then your goal might be to lose two pounds per week for the next six weeks.

ACTION PLANS are very similar to goals but with a shorter time frame. To really ramp up your progress, keep your action items right in front of you - all the time. In order to sell 1,000 widgets within a 12-month time frame, you'll need to sell 83 a month, 20 a month and - enter action plan - five a week.

I think you can see the power of this simple but powerful planning process. Hey, you're already a planning machine; David Allen said so! So, why not add on a little One Page Plan methodology and really ramp up your progress?

Strategic Planning - On One Page

Les Taylor is a professional speaker, author, consultant, and recognized expert in the field of personal improvement and professional development. Get several "free" performance improvement resources at also, read interesting and entertaining performance improvement articles at Les Taylor's blog at



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