Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Coaching Works

The Lively business Journal states "HR managers say coaching is the most potent tool for creating lasting personal change." One of the best things about coaching for IT architects is the opportunity to feel comfortable sharing your deepest concerns and fears.

A learning atmosphere which is non-threatening helps with understanding and behavioral change and offers the chance to reflect on those changes. If you are a busy new or junior IT architect, time for reflection is like pure gold. Throughout communication and behavior, coaching helps you become more self-aware and successful. It gives you an incredible opportunity to discuss challenges in a confidential relationship with a trained enterprise architect who has a thorough understanding of business AND IT architecture.


The common saying is that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Basically coaching will break your insanity cycle of effecting the same habits or tasks in the same way every day and wondering why you aren't getting anywhere.

It makes you wonder who does this. The truth is we all do. The productivity of a whole corporation can be distorted by poor leadership, the bad habits of the leaders and orbicular thinking. This is one reason why IT architect coaching incorporates leadership training because studies, surveys and reports prove that the coaching experience is a superior learning tool

Research shows that the return on investment for coaching is high and creates improved outcomes, a lower turnover of staff, better satisfaction and increased morale.

What problems can be overcome with architecture coaching?

Examples include personal problems which affect overall work performance, high stress interfering with daily performance, failing to perform at the expected level and performing well but still having career development needs.

Not many life experiences prepare an IT architect for the leadership role that is expected of him or her. There are many leaders who rise because of outstanding performance, but who don't actually have the skills needed to effectively lead.

A good IT architect coach will fill this void. There are eight generally recognized core competencies, which your coach can help you with. These are personal mastery, interpersonal effectiveness, customer service, technical skills, creative thinking, systems thinking, flexibility with adaptability, and ownership.

The big benefit of the coach is that they are not tied to your organization, your associates or anyone else. Your coach is only tied to you, so they support what you want and where you want to go. The coach is not swayed by your decisions for your wins or losses or by anything else.

I leave you with this quote from John Rasul, Managing Director of Harley-Davidson Europe "I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve problems previously thought unsolvable."

If you want the fast track to career development as an IT architect, hiring a coach is essential.

Why Coaching Works

Sharon C. Evans is an Enterprise Architect Coach, Mentor and Trainer. Her forthcoming book "Zoom Factor for Enterprise Architects: How to Focus and Accelerate Your Career" focuses on excellence and perspective for the Enterprise Architect and is due out in September 2009. She is the founder of Firefli Consulting Inc. and her member portal and more great articles can be found at



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